cosmicenergy on www on rox!
what? ok this is the beginning of my…wait for it…space channel. the reason for the delay is copyright infringement on myspace and the space channel. seriously, the space channel was the best.
you can get the trek just about anywhere but here’s a good ol’ show. spatula 1999:
this skywatch video is 2024-07
from the friendlies at nasa
hopefully updated to the current month.
these embeded vj lists are theme oriented and this is scifi:
this list originated at the headquarters of tojo the robot aka TURD tojo unlimited robot design
Cosmic Energy on facebook is titled after a quote that Plant said in the Zep movie.
Cosmic Energy Yeah Bash!
TOJO on facebook is dedicated to our old friend who got us in trouble and we spent most of the night on cid getting interrogated in separate rooms.
…and now some of the noteworthy star trek clips, links and fan videos:
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